Commitment & Recognition Schemes

In the greater pursuit of sustainability, the Centre for Civil Society and Governance (CCSG) set up in June 2021 the Sustainable Value Chains Commitment (the ‘Commitment’). The Commitment is anchored to the framework of Sustainable Value Chains (SVC) Management, striving to drive closer collaboration between large corporates and SMEs to resolve sustainability challenges together, and to commend large corporates that facilitate SMEs to improve their capabilities on business sustainability.

The SMEs Sustainability Leadership Recognition Scheme (the ‘Recognition Scheme’) was set up in June 2021 by the Centre for Civil Society and Governance (CCSG) as a common and accessible starting point for SMEs to improve their preparedness in taking on sustainability challenges, and strengthen the business sector’s resilience in face of global sustainability risks.

Signatory - Sustainable Value Chains Commitment
Participating Organisation - SMEs Sustainability Leadership Recognition Scheme
2022 Cohort – Application Deadline 31 Aug 2022:
This year, we have further enriched the Scheme through developing a theme and industry focus:
Theme: Circularity and Resilience
COVID-19 has certainly brought wide-ranging impacts to businesses across industries and geographies. It has pushed all sectors to adapt and reconfigure their business strategies and operational models. While businesses are gradually moving into a recovery cycle, stakeholders have got to get prepared for future challenges, may it be new waves of COVID-19 or transitions driven by global climate change. Businesses ought to build resilience by rethinking the risks and impacts brought by the conventional linear economy, and exploring how they can capitalize on the opportunities that arise from a circular economy model to attain sustainability for the company and the wider society.
Industry Focus
Known as Asia’s “Culinary Paradise”, the Foodservice sector in Hong Kong remains vibrant although COVID-19 has put the industry in a particularly difficult position. Given its size and nature, the food service industry is resource intensive and generates large volumes of waste, such as disposable plastic tableware, food waste, and other types of municipal solid waste. In the short future, waste disposal will come at a cost. This is due to the introduction of municipal solid waste charging in Hong Kong. Hence, it brooks no delay to explore how resource use can become more efficient through collaborating with other value chain actors in realizing the circular economy.
To deepen the collaborations between SVC Commitment Signatories and their nominated SME Participating Organisations in the Scheme, this year a practice-based approach (Capstone) is adopted. With the Capstone, implementation is the core part to attain the ‘Gold’ Leadership Recognition (for SME Participating Organisations). Participating Organisations can transform their sustainability plans into practice and deepen the learning through sharing their accomplishments at the wrap-up workshop and exchanging experiences with other Participating Organisations.
For registration or enquiries about the SVC Commitment and SMEs Sustainability Leadership Recognition Scheme, please contact the PSLB team through:
Email: pslb@hku.hk
Mr. Woody Cheng (Tel: 3910-2463)
Mr. Darwin Leung (Tel.: 3917-4763)