
News & Update

APR, 2023


【出版刊物】 共凝滙創‧永續社區:滙創永續先鋒的社創旅程
“Social Innovations for Sustainable Communities” Programme:
[Publication Release] Innovating for Our Sustainable Future: A Social Innovation Journey of Sustainable Catalysers



The publication “Innovating for Our Sustainable Future: A Social Innovation Journey of Sustainable Catalysers” is launched. We would like to take this opportunity to share our teams’ successful stories with you. The book not only charts the journey trekked by the sustainability catalysers, but also features the achievements which the Programme has accomplished throughout the three-year project period.

Click HERE for e-copy.

DEC, 2022


Social Innovations for Sustainable Communities: Building the “Scale Infrastructure” for Social Innovation and Community Resilience Open Forum cum Project Showcase



As the world is getting more and more complex and uncertain, communities around the globe are struggling to pursue transformational changes in meeting various sustainability challenges. Apart from nurturing social entrepreneurship and innovative solutions, developing and strengthening the “scale infrastructure”—institutions, practices, ideas and people—that helps scale up innovative ideas into social impact is of major importance. Over the past decade, there have been significant efforts worldwide to develop and enhance the “scale infrastructure”, as manifested in the emergence of venture philanthropy, the proliferation of impact investment programmes, the formation of collaborative platforms and networks, the application of business practices to the social sector such as social sector franchising, and the creation of new forms of cross-sector collaboration such as the Social Impact Bond.

As a closing event for the Social Innovations for Sustainable Communities (SISC) Programme, this Open Forum aims to bring insights from experiences of scaling social innovation in Hong Kong, to reflect upon what has been attained, and to explore strategies for further enhancing the scale infrastructure. Also, to celebrate the SISC Programme’s successful incubation of Sustainability Catalyzers, the teams that were incubated and supported by the Programme will exhibit their works and impact in the Project Showcase. Participants are encouraged to join the Immersion Workshops organized by the teams to gain a deeper understanding of their missions and social innovation journeys, and to explore collaboration opportunities.

活動詳情 Details

日期 Date: 2022年12月02日 (星期五)
時間 Time: 14:30 – 17:30
地點 Venue: 香港大學莊月明文化中心月明劇院Yuet Ming Auditorium, The University of Hong Kong
格式 Format: 現場參與 Face to Face

The event includes the Forum, Project Showcases* and Immersion Workshops*.

*只限論壇參加者參加 (費用全免,名額有限)
Only forum participants are eligible to attend. (Admission is free and quotas will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis)

Click HERE to register

JUL, 2022


主題分享 商業創新成就社會公益
Business Innovations for Social Causes


Social entrepreneurship is one of the most effective approaches to resolving social problems and creating social impacts. In this session, our honorable guests will share how their business and operation achieve their vision and social missions through business innovations.

日期 Date: 2022年7月29日 (星期五)
時間 Time: 15:30 - 17:30
格式 Format: Online 網上直播
語言 Language: 廣東話為主,輔以英語 Cantonese supplemented with English

活動詳情 Details

嘉賓 Guest:

  • 曾俊華先生, GBM, JP (「薯片叔叔共創社」創辦人; StashAway 公司顧問委員會; 保泰人壽保險有限公司資深顧問)
    Mr John C TSANG, GBM, JP (Founder, Esperanza; Advisor Committee, StashAway; Senior Advisor, Bowtie)
  • 陳澍先生 (Meta大中華、蒙古及中亞區公共政策董事總經理)
    Mr George CHEN (Managing Director, Public Policy (Greater China, Mongolia, and Central Asia), Meta)
  • 葉彩霞女士 (ADDOILMUSIC共同創辦人)
    Ms Kitty YIP (Co-founder, ADDOILMUSIC)

主持人 Moderator:

  • 林維峯教授 (香港大學公民社會與治理研究中心總監)
    Professor Wai-Fung LAM (Director, Centre for Civil Society and Governance, HKU)

Click HERE to register

MAR, 2022


主題分享   擴展社會創新之旅
Thematic Networking Session   A Journey to Scale-Up Social Innovation


There are several seed fund schemes and other resources to support local social innovations. Social innovators may stop at sustaining and expanding social innovation after they start their social entrepreneurial journeys. If you want to know more about the transformation of the three social entrepreneurs. Don’t miss the chance!

日期 Date: 2022年3月11日 (星期五)
時間 Time: 17:00 - 18:00
格式 Format: Zoom直播
語言 Language: 廣東話為主,輔以英語 Cantonese supplemented with English 

嘉賓 Guest:

  • 張晧程先生 (HandyRehab 聯合創辦人及行政總裁)
    Mr Alvin Cheung (Co-Founder & CEO, HandyRehab, Zunosaki Limited)
  • 莊國棟先生 (Rolling Books創辦人)
    Mr James Chong (Founder of Rolling Books)
  • 黃靜虹小姐 (WEDO GLOBAL共同創辦人)
    Ms Eva Wong (Co-founder of WEDO GLOBAL)

Click HERE to register

JUNE, 2021


探索永續生活系列 X 軟膳點


  • 分享改善吞嚥困難人士的食物質素的重要性
  • 親身體驗如何製作軟餐

日期: 2021年6月18日 (星期五)
時間: 19:00 - 21:00
地點: 九龍荔枝角長沙灣道760號4樓C室(Dream Impact 夢創成真)
截止報名: 2021年6月14日 (星期一)
費用: 全免,但需要繳交按金HK$300 (活動當日即日發還)


如有任何查詢,請與柳淑芝女士(電話: 3917 4909) 或張亦敏女士(電話: 3917 4762)/ sisc@hku.hk聯絡。謝謝!

JUNE, 2021


探索永續生活系列 X 滙豐永續鄉郊計劃 X 永續尚源社


  • 分享可持續種植咖啡嘅方法
  • 利用咖啡渣製作菇包及探討資源升級再造和重用的重要性

日期: 2021年6月5日 (星期六)
時間: 14:00 - 17:00
地點: 香港大學賽馬會教學樓11樓社會科學活動室 (The Function Room)
截止報名: 2021年5月31日 (星期一)
費用: 全免,但需要繳交按金HK$300 (活動當日即日發還)


如有任何查詢,請與柳淑芝女士(電話: 3917 4909) 或張亦敏女士(電話: 3917 4762)/ sisc@hku.hk聯絡。謝謝!

MAY, 2021


探索永續生活系列 X 藍屋


  • 分享如何善用社區資源,改變社區環境
  • 街坊帶大家遊覽下佢哋嘅「屋企」,了解下社區嘅發展

日期: 2021年5月22日 (星期六)
時間: 10 :00 - 12:00
地點: 灣仔石水渠街72A地下 (灣仔藍屋)
截止報名: 2021年5月18日 (星期二)
費用: 全免,但需要繳交按金HK$300 (活動當日即日發還)


如有任何查詢,請與柳淑芝女士(電話: 3917 4909) 或張亦敏女士(電話: 3917 4762)/ sisc@hku.hk聯絡。謝謝!

APR, 2021


探索永續生活系列 X 天姿作圍


  • 天姿作圍負責人(Janis)帶大家走入天水圍體驗一下街坊既日常生活,落田體驗及分享運作社區貨幣的經驗
  • 熱心街坊將分享參與計劃帶給他們的改變

日期: 2021年4月24日 (星期六)
時間: 上午 10 時至 下午1 時
地點: 天水圍輞井圍籃球場 (天水圍西鐵站E3出口集合)
截止報名: 2021年4月16日 (名額有限)
費用: 全免,但需要繳交按金HKD$300 (活動當日即日發還)


如有任何查詢,請與柳淑芝女士(電話: 3917 4909) 或張亦敏女士(電話: 3917 4762)/ sisc@hku.hk聯絡。謝謝!

APR, 2021


探索永續生活系列 X 菁然



  • 透過今次Art Jamming和繪畫活動,讓「你」和一班SEN人士一齊發掘更多社區可能
  • 「菁然」創辦人莫紫芝女士(Gigi)將分享她創辦該社企的原因及當中的喜怒哀樂
  • 探討社會共融與永續發展的關係與趨勢

日期: 2021年4月10日 (星期六)
時間: 下午 2:30 - 5:30
地點: 香港上環德輔道中244-248號11樓,Playground.Work
截止報名: 2021年3月31日 (名額有限)
費用: 全免,但需要繳交按金$300# (活動當日即日發還)


如有任何查詢,請與柳淑芝女士(電話: 3917 4909) 或張亦敏女士(電話: 3917 4762)/ sisc@hku.hk聯絡。謝謝!

OCT, 2020


Building a Thriving Social Entrepreneurial Ecosystem




“Building a Thriving Social Entrepreneurial Ecosystem” is a signature public event for the Social Innovations for Sustainable Communities initiated by the Social Entrepreneurship and Civic Action Lab of the Centre for Civil Society and Governance at the University of Hong Kong. Co-organised with Ashoka, the world’s largest working community of more than 3,000 leading social entrepreneurs, the event will be first-of-its-kind in Hong Kong, featuring interactive dialogues between the incubators and social innovators facilitating spontaneous exchange of ideas on a sustainable social entrepreneurial ecosystem.

For programme rundown, please click HERE

For registration, please click HERE

NOV, 2019


「共凝滙創 ‧ 永續社區」
Social Innovation for Sustainability

「共凝滙創 ‧ 永續社區」是香港大學公民社會與治理研究中心匯創坊「滙創永續」計劃序幕活動,我們會與台下觀眾深入互動,分享從全港性調查市民就2030-2050香港永續發展的願景,以及民間對社會創新的認識和意向。論壇以專題方式,邀請嘉賓分享社會創新在共建永續發展社區的角色和最新趨勢。討論將以不同角度探討對香港社會創新生態系統發展的看法。


Social Innovation for Sustainability is the first public open event for the Social Innovations for Sustainable Communities initiated by the Social Entrepreneurship and Civic Action Lab of the Centre for Civil Society and Governance at The University of Hong Kong. We will share the findings from a territorial-wide survey on sustainability visions for Hong Kong 2030-2050, and knowledge and intent for social entrepreneurship. Our speakers will share their views on the roles and trends of social innovation in creating sustainable communities. Interactive discussion will highlight the entrepreneurial ecosystem from different perspectives.

Please click HERE for Programme Rundown.