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Habitat Conservation

Enhancement of various habitats in the “Forest Villages” will allow the general public to enjoy the landscape, and to appreciate the ecosystem services provided by biodiversity. Their awareness on the importance of habitat conservation will hence be increased and their environmental stewardship fostered. Main target habitats:

  • Terrace farmlands
  • Fung Shui forest and secondary forest
  • Orchard
  • Stream and riparian zone
  • Field margins

Regular biodiversity monitoring

We are conducting a comprehensive biodiversity monitoring of 7 taxa groups, i.e. plant, butterfly, amphibian, dragonfly, bird, freshwater fish, and mammal to collect up-to-date information about species abundance and richness for:

  1. Conservation management measures evaluation;
  2. Forest village resources and ecosystem services review;
  3. Formulation of sustainable management plan; and
  4. Education purpose