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Cultural Mapping and Oral History

Introduction and implication on oral history

Oral history is a people-oriented research method, which uses memory as a source of historical data. The research is mostly conducted through interviews, where information is collected through written records, audio, or video recordings. These records enable researchers to analyse historical events from different perspectives, and bridge the gaps in history with first-hand details.

Cultural Mapping and Oral History

The programme will study the rich Hakka cultural assets related to the site, such as indigenous Hakka history and culture, vernacular architecture, terrace farming landscapes, traditional knowledge and folklore plants.  Acquired knowledge will be adapted into public events and materials, and introduced to the wider community.

Several oral history and cultural mapping exercises will be conducted with indigenous communities to identify and document both tangible and intangible rural assets, in particular, the bio-cultural resources such as folklore plants for conservation and education purposes.