Creating Sustainability Impact for Professionals, Organisations and the Society: Career Talk cum Admission Briefing for Master of Social Sciences in Sustainability Leadership and Governance
2022 年 2 月 7 日 (星期一)
18:30 - 20:30

Why embracing sustainability enhances your career: Align your interests, strengths, and values, for ongoing learning and making a positive impact!


The modern organization requires deeper understanding of its dependency on the environment, and most jobs will need this knowledge given the growing economic imperative for ‘green jobs’. Further, acknowledging the need for culture change, advocacy and diplomacy skills will support wider organizational skills that on the one hand develop people to their fullest, while on the other, building organization-wide capacity for the strategic demands for sustainability. As consumer demand for responsible products, services, and experiences grow, employers are increasingly expecting their employees to drive the organizational sustainability agenda.

Join us for a discussion with our alumni who will share their experience of incorporating a sustainability-focused lens in their workplace and decision-making. We will explore how both technical skills mixed with the people-oriented and empathetic leadership skills are required for organizations to develop opportunities for positive societal impact.

Date: 7 February 2022 (Tuesday)
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Format: Online via ZOOM

Registration link:

Category :   招生

Master of Social Sciences in Sustainability Leadership and Governance 2025/2026 – Open for Admission
(只提供英文版) With a distinctive interdisciplinary approach we prepare you for a role in the business, public or social sectors, to address sustainability challenges. Join us to advance your professional education and engage in creative problem-solving so you can be the changemaker you aspire to be. By studying sustainability you can follow your professional interests and build a career that satisfies you personally. Join us for the next intake, September 2025 and enhance your changemaker skills.
我們誠摯邀請你參加由香港大學公民社會與治理研究中心「商界永續發展領袖計劃」主辦,並獲滙豐銀行慈善基金全力支持的第七場知識講堂,主題為「在會展業中推動資源循環的生態圈」。 香港作為「盛事之都」﹐全年舉辦多個不同類型的商業與展覽活動。雖然對來自企業、政府部門以至非牟利界別的專業人士來說﹐這是一個不可多得的場合以掌握市場資訊、知識、建立人脈網絡以及尋求機遇。然而﹐在籌備這些活動的過程中﹐環境亦付出了相應的代價﹐此舉與企業承諾支持的低碳及可持續發展未來的理念背道而馳。因此﹐將傳統「線性」營運模式的活動重新轉型至「資源循環」的模式是必需的。 是次知識講堂將會透過會展業界的講者所帶來的知識及實踐經驗﹐深入討論有關在這些商業活動中實現資源循環的必要條件﹐不論是基礎建設、政策上的變革、業界的支持或是創新的協作模式。兩位主題演講者將會就以下主題作分享︰ 泰國會議展覽局將會討論政府政策、基礎設施和能力建設在引領當地會展業提升資源循環及可持續發展上的角色; 澳門展貿協會將分享推動業界採納更多資源循環及可持續發展的舉措所推出的激勵措施﹐以令會展業實現淨零排放的目標 隨後﹐活動將會進行一場專題討論﹐參與的講者包括香港會議展覽中心(管理)有限公司、Informa Markets、畢馬威會計師事務所、新世界企業服務有限公司和ReThink Hong Kong的代表。他們除了分享業界的最佳實踐案例外﹐亦將會就推動會展業建立更多協作以催化資源循環舉措和創新的議題上分享觀點。 活動亦將會慶祝《循環經濟實務指南(第二冊)﹕與價值鏈擕手以資源循環舉措籌辦活動及展覽》的新書發佈。此《實務指南》是一份整合的自學素材﹐讓會展業的從業員學習如何透過以價值鏈角度的活動策劃框架﹐將資源循環的原則融入活動營運之中。書中提供了步驟化的指南以及即時可用的範本以助讀者學以致用。   活動詳情如下﹕ 日期﹕ 2024年6月6日(星期四) 時間﹕ 下午兩時半至五時半(下午四時半至五時半將為企業交流環節) 地點﹕ 香港大學黃麗松講堂 形式﹕ 現場參與及Zoom網上直播* 語言﹕ 主要以英語及廣東話進行(設英語及廣東話即時傳譯) *活動場地以及網上直播將設人數上限,敬請預約,額滿即止。   如欲參與,請於2024年6月5日或之前透過此連結留座。如有疑問,歡迎致電3910-2463 / 電郵至 與鄭永昌先生聯絡。   「商界永續發展領袖計劃」團隊