Research Theme

The research intent is to advocate for civic engagement and foster cross-sector collaboration. Actions in this area enable citizens’ input in their communities and address community and public concerns. To this end, collaborations are fostered among different civic groups, businesses, public authorities, and academia. A key part of this research is the study and design of the development paths of civic associational activities and cross-sectoral collaboration for achieving collaborative goals. Furthermore, research explores the relationships between civic collaboration and social inclusion in the Asian context. The results are solutions that empower marginalized individuals and groups to participate equally and actively in civic life, bridging cultural and socio-economic divides, and ultimately contributing to a more inclusive and cohesive society.

Civic Collaboration and Social Inclusion
Urban commons and the third sector
Civic Collaboration and Social Inclusion
Good governance and NGO
Inclusive employment
Civic Collaboration and Social Inclusion
Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainability
Social innovation ecosystems and transition management
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