The attainment of a sustainable society can manifest in the social, environment, economy, and governance aspects. The Centre, through our action projects, promotes sustainable development with four core approaches, namely, Social Innovation, Collaboration & Partnership, Engagement & Empowerment and, Reinvention of Community Resources.

PSL aspires to build the social-ecological resilience as a way to enhance the capitals for sustainability. We seek to cultivate a collaborative ecosystem that coalesces community of interest and talents, and pulls together resources from the business, government and non-profit sector across the urban-rural value chains for mainstreaming nature-based solution (NbS), resource circularity and regenerative system thinking.

SECAL strives to understand and foster community-based collective action as a vehicle for utilizing human ingenuity, forging reciprocity, and building social capital. In particular, SECAL seeks to nurture social entrepreneurship and crowdsource ideas with a focus on blending social and economic values through fostering various novel social ventures and commoning endeavors.

NPPL seeks to enhance the resilience, capacity and governance of the nonprofit and philanthropic sector as a means to attain social impact. A broad definition of philanthropy is adopted that concerned about the leveraging of private resources – capital, time, space, idea, expertise and network – for public good.