Master of Social Sciences in Sustainability Leadership and Governance 2022 Career Talk cum Programme Briefing Session 2
2022 年 1 月 18 日 (星期二)
18:30 - 20:30

All things sustainability – climate change, diversity and inclusion, biodiversity, sustainable finance, ESG disclosures – are top of mind for many as they contemplate their next steps of their career. As you consider the current demand for transformational change and how you may contribute, join us for an evening where various options for a career in this field are explored. Find out how you can enhance your skill set, shape your career in the direction you choose, and enable your desire to make a difference in society through your professional credentials. This session will be with our alumni who will share their career pathway, and insights on growing their sustainability skill-set.

Category :   招生

Master of Social Sciences in Sustainability Leadership and Governance Career Talk cum Admission Briefing
(只提供英文版) There is growing recognition that sustainability is necessary in everything we do, and more examples of various functional roles integrating accountability into organizational systems are becoming evident. The SLG Programme offers you multiple ways to integrate sustainability into your career path empowering you to make a difference on bigger, critical issues our communities face. Join us for a discussion with our alumni who will share their experience with integrating the values of sustainability into what they do, and how they see themselves contributing to societal well-being. Date: Friday 28th February 2025 Time:  6:30 – 8:30pm Venue: Zoom
問卷調查: 香港「多元、平等、共融」職場環境及聘用殘疾人士狀況
香港大學公民社會與治理研究中心(本中心)現正進行由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金支持的「賽馬會共融・知行計劃」研究調查。本研究旨在收集商界對「多元、平等、共融」職場環境及聘用殘疾人士的看法,而是次問卷調查乃研究項目之其中一部分。 本中心現委託社會政策研究有限公司(社會政策)負責此次調查工作,以隨機方法選出企業,並於2025年2月至4月期間到訪參與問卷調查的企業訪問。訪問員會帶同由社會政策發出的職員證以茲識別,希望 貴公司能向調查團隊提供協助和資料。 如對是次調查或訪問員身分有任何查詢,請致電「賽馬會共融・知行計劃」研究調查熱線與社會政策聯絡郭小姐: 星期一至五上午10時至下午7時: 2511 1548 星期一至五下午7時至下午10時: 9448 0715