梁子謙先生現任香港大學公民社會與治理研究中心的助理項目經理,畢業於英國卡迪夫大學規劃實踐與研究碩士。他曾任香港民主民生協進會政策研究員,負責推展一項全港性的市區更新政策研究,以及為中、小學舉辦一系列永續發展工作坊。2006年,梁先生加入了香港大學城市規劃及環境管理研究中心 (其後改組為嘉道理研究所) ,曾參與多項與市區重建、永續發展匯報有關的研究工作。梁先生還參與了多項由國際組織如中國環境與發展國際合作委員會(簡稱國合會)及政府部門如路政署、規劃署和土木工程發展署委託的顧問專案。項目範圍涵蓋不同永續發展議題,包括氣候變化、綠色經濟政策等。 此外,自2014年,梁先生一直協助CCGL9040-能源、全球化和永續發展課程的開發及檢討工作,並負責管理導修班的學習進程。
2004-2005 | Cardiff University, Wales |
MSc in Planning Practice and Research | |
2001-2004 | Hong Kong Baptist University |
BSSc (Hons) (First Class) in Geography |
2019-present | The University of Hong Kong |
Centre for Civil Society and Governance | |
Assistant Project Manager | |
2017-2019 | The University of Hong Kong |
Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Policy for Sustainability Lab | |
Assistant Project Manager | |
2016-2017 | The University of Hong Kong |
Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Policy for Sustainability Lab | |
Senior Project Officer |
2012-2016 | The University of Hong Kong |
Kadoorie Institute | |
Senior Project Officer | |
2009-2012 | The University of Hong Kong |
Kadoorie Institute | |
Project Officer | |
2007-2009 | The University of Hong Kong |
Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management | |
Research Assistant |
Partnership for Sustainability Leadership in Business (supported by HSBCThe Hongkong Bank Foundation)
E2Power: Engagement and Empowerment of Communities Through Social Capital Development (in collaboration with Department of Social Work and Social Administration, RGC funded)
Lam, W. F., Law, W. W. Y., Leung, T. H. D. and Fok, W. K., (2022), “Diagnostic Study for SME Sustainability Survey”, supported by the Hongkong Bank Foundation.
Lam, W. F., Law, W. W. Y., Fok, W. K., Leung, T. H. D., Sit, T. S., and Li, Lianna., (2021), “Sustainability Roadmap and Kick-Starter Impact Toolkit”, supported by the Hongkong Bank Foundation.
Law, W. W. Y., Chow, W. C., Leung, T. H. D., et al (2019), “Public Engagement on Long-term Decarbonisation Strategy”, Public Engagement Document, commissioned by Council for Sustainable Development, 2018.
Law, W. W. Y., Chow, W. C., Leung, T. H. D., et al (2017), “Final Report: Promotion of Sustainable Consumption of Biological Resources”, Consultancy Report, commissioned by Environment Bureau, HKSARG, 2017.
Law W. W. Y., Leung T. H. D., Lo, Y. H., Leung, H. S. and Chick, H. L. (2015). Policy Submission to Public Consultation on The New Agricultural Policy: Sustainable Agricultural Development in Hong Kong.
Law W. W. Y., Leung T. H. D., Wang, G., Chen, K. (2013). Policy Background Paper on “Resource Efficiency in Chinese Cities”, UNEP’s Global Initiative for Resource Efficient Cities (GI-REC).
Law, W. W. Y., Chow, W. C., Leung, T. H. D., et al (2012), “Final Report: Combating Climate Change: Energy Saving and Carbon Emission Reduction in Buildings,” Consultancy Report, commissioned by Environment Bureau, HKSARG, 2012.
Hills P.R., Liao S.M.S.T., Law W.W.Y., Tang X.Y., Wei Y.J., Zhang S.Q., Yu X.X., Lu S.Y., Wu C.J., Luan S.J., Gouldson A., Ren H.Y., Zhang Z.T., Leung T.H.D., Chow W.C., Lo Y.H., Yeung H.Y.D., Yan P.W.L., Yiu S.I.S., Zhang H. and Song Y.W. Special Policy Study (Final Report): Environmental Strategy and Measure for Transformation of Development Mode in Eastern China, China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development, 2012.
Law, W. W. Y., Chow, W. C., Leung, T. H. D., Yiu, S. I. et al (2011), “Pedestrian Improvement Scheme in Yuen Long Town: Final Public Engagement Report,” Consultancy Report, commissioned by Highways Department, HKSARG, 2011.
Leung, T. H. D., Kwan, B., Ng, R. (2009). World Urban Forum 4 – Global Vision, Local Action. Journal of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (Planning & Development), 24, p.81.
Ng, M. K., Tang, W. S., Lee, J., Leung, T. H. D. (2010). Spatial practice, conceived space and lived space: Hong Kong’s ‘pier saga’ through the Lefebvrian lens. Planning Perspectives, 25, pp.411-431.