羅博士是香港大學公民社會與治理研究中心副總監,在香港大學教授有關可持續發展、城市規劃、環境管理及社會永續性的本科及碩士課程。羅博士的研究範疇包括鄉郊活化、 公眾參與、社會創新、企業永續發展等等。羅博士自 2005 年起便擔任環保組織長春社理事並為現任副主席。羅博士獲委任為香港特別行政區政府轄下多個委員會成員,包括環境咨詢委員會、環境及自然保育基金委員會、尤德爵士紀念基金受託人委員會、創科生活基金評審委員會等並曾聘任為歐盟及聯合國社會及環境規劃專家。
2000-2003 | The University of Hong Kong |
PhD (Sustainable Urban Regeneration and Social Impact Assessment) | |
1999 | University of Auckland, New Zealand |
MPlan (Merit) | |
1995-1998 | University of Auckland, New Zealand |
BPlan (1st Honour) |
2019-present | The University of Hong Kong |
Centre for Civil Society and Governance | |
Deputy Director and Principal Lecturer | |
2016-2019 | The University of Hong Kong |
Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Policy for Sustainability Lab | |
Associate Director and Principal Lecturer | |
2008-2016 | The University of Hong Kong |
Kadoorie Institute | |
Last position as Assistant Director and Principal Lecturer | |
2003-2008 | The University of Hong Kong |
Centre for Urban Planning and Environmental Management | |
Last position as Teaching Consultant |
Rural Sustainability Programme: APAC Initiative for Regional Impact
Forest Village: Mui Tsz Lam Kop Tong Sustainable Village Programme
Partnership for Sustainability Leadership in Business
Community Well-Being and Wholeness: the case of “Airside” at the Kai Tak Development Area
Chu V.H.Y., Law W.W.Y., Williams J.M. (2022). Advocacy coalitions in rural revitalisation: the roles of policy brokers and policy learning, Environmental Science and Policy, 136: 9-18.
Lam W.F., Law W.W.Y., Leung, D. and Fok, K. (2022). Diagnostic Study for SME Sustainability Survey, Centre for Civil Society and Governance, Hong Kong.
Williams J.M., Chu V.H.Y., Lam W.F. and Law W.W.Y. (2021). Revitalising Rural Communities, SpringerBriefs on Case Studies of Sustainable Development, Singapore: Springer.
Law, W.W.Y., Yiu, S.I.S. & Chick, H.L. (2018). Vivifying Lai Chi Wo: Sustainable Lai Chi Wo Programme Four Year Review and Outlook. Hong Kong: Policy for Sustainability Lab
Fok, K.W.K. & LAW, W.W.Y. (2018), “City re-imaged: Multi-stakeholder study on branding Hong Kong as a city of greenery,” Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 206, pp. 1039-1051.
Xu, Q., Chen, J., Peart, M. R., Ng, C. N., Hau, B. C. H., and Law, W. W. Y. (2018), “Exploration of severities of rainfall and runoff extremes in ungauged catchments: a case study of Lai Chi Wo in Hong Kong, China Science of the Total Environment,” Science of the Total Environment.
Law, W. W. Y., Chow, W. C., Leung, T. H. D., et al (2019), “Public Engagement on Long-term Decarbonisation Strategy”, Public Engagement Document, commissioned by Council for Sustainable Development, 2018.
Chan, K.N., Kim, E.J., Lam, W.F., Law, W.W.Y. and Zhao, Z. (2017), “The Politics of Information Processing in Environmental Policymaking: Evidence from Hong Kong”, conference paper presented at 2017 Environmental Politics and Governance Conference, June 21-24, 2017, Indiana University, Bloomington, US.
“Environmental Strategy and Measure for Transformation of Development Mode in Eastern China,” Special Policy Study Report for China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development, December 2012.