Post-doctoral Fellow

Dr. PAN Emily

   (852) 3917 4901

Dr. Emily Pan is a post-doctoral fellow at the Centre for Civil Society and Governance in the Faculty of Social Sciences. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Landscape Design) from Sun Yat-sen University and a Master of Design (Environmental Design) from Shenzhen University. She received a Ph.D. in Geography and Resource Management from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Her research interests lie in industrial ecology, environmental governance, brownfield regeneration, and rural revitalization. Her doctoral research integrates the concepts of industrial ecology and industrial land regeneration to investigate China’s pathways in transforming its local-regional industrial networks towards sustainability. Emily’s recent research focuses on social capital, urban innovations, and rural sustainability.

2017-2021The Chinese University of Hong Kong
PhD (Geography and Resource Management)


2013-2016Shenzhen University
MDes (Environmental Design)
2009-2013Sun Yat-sen University
BA (Landscape Design)
Professional & Community Services
2023-presentThe University of Hong Kong
Centre for Civil Society and Governance
Post-doctoral Fellow
2022-2023Guangdong Academy of Sciences
Guangzhou Institute of Geography
Assistant Professor
2021-2022The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Department of Geography and Resource Management
Research Associate

RIF Social Capital project.

Creating Blended Value through Nature-based Solutions and Social Innovation.

Selected Publication

Pan, M. M.*, Ng, M. K., Xu, Y. (2023). Reassembling Local-regional Industrial Networks Towards Sustainability: An Evolving ‘Eco-transformation arena’ in a Chinese Industrial District. Journal of Environmental Planning & Management.

Pan, M. M.*, Ng, M. K., Xu, Y. (2023). Just Sustainability, Actor-networks and Environmental Politics in China: Local Controversies over Shared Environmental Infrastructure in Industrial Districts. Local Environment.

Ng, M. K.*, Tang, Y. Z., Pan, M. M., He, S. Y. (2022). Genesis of Smart Sustainable Development in Shenzhen, China’s ‘Silicon Valley’. Planning Theory & Practice. DOI: 2022.2139075.

Xu, Y., Caprotti, F.*, Zhang, W. S., Pan, M. M. (2022). The Socioenvironmental State and Urban Transitions: Eco-urbanism in China and the UK. Environment and Planning E – Nature and Space.

Pan, M. M.*, Ng, M. K. (2022). Implementing Industrial Ecology in Regeneration Activities: A Possible Pathway for Transforming China’s Local-regional Industrial Systems Towards Sustainability? Journal of Cleaner Production, 338, 130601.

Zhang, X. L., Pan, M. M.* (2022). Emerging Rural Spatial Restructuring Regimes in Transitional China: A Tale of Three Transitional Villages in the Urban Fringe. Journal of Rural Studies, 93, 287-300.

Pan, M. M., Song, H. Y.* (2017). Transformation and Upgrading of Old Industrial Zones on Collective Land: Empirical Study on Revitalization in Nanshan. Habitat International, 65, 1-12.

Song, H. Y., Pan, M. M.*, Chen, Y. Y. (2016). Nightlife and Public Spaces in Urban Villages: A Case Study of the Pearl River Delta in China, Habitat International. 57, 187-204.

Honorary Senior Advisor
Dr. LIAO Sarah
Deputy Director
Dr. CHAN Elaine
Deputy Director and Principal Lecturer
Dr. LAW Winnie
SLGP Director & Lecturer
Dr. BURNETT Margaret Julia
SLGP Deputy Director & Lecturer
Dr. CHU Vivian
Assistant Lecturer
Dr. WILLIAMS Jessica Marie
Assistant Director
Ms. CHICK Katie
Assistant Director
Ms. CHOW Joyce
Assistant Project Manager
Mr. FOK Kelvin
Assistant Project Manager
Dr. HU Taihua
Assistant Project Manager
Ms. LAW Renee
Assistant Project Manager
Mr. LEUNG Darwin
Senior Project Officer
Ms. CHAN Karen
Senior Project Officer
Ms. KAN Mimi
Senior Project Officer
Ms. LAU Bonnie
Senior Project Officer
Mr. LEUNG Ryan
Senior Project Officer
Ms. LEUNG Vivian
Senior Project Officer
Ms. YEUNG Daisy
Senior Project Officer
Ms. YIU Sianna
Agroforestry Technician
Mr. KWOK Joe
Farm Assistant
Ms. ZHANG Yiying
Executive Officer
Ms. YUEN Jamie
Honorary Senior Fellow
Mr. CHEN George
Honorary Professor
Professor DOLŠAK Nives
Honorary Senior Fellow
Professor HO Lusina
Honorary Senior Lecturer
Ir LAU Sophia
Adjunct Professor
Professor NG Jeanne
Honorary Professor
Professor PRAKASH Aseem
Adjunct Professor
Professor TAI Agnes K Y
Adjunct Associate Professor
Dr. TSOI Joyce
Honorary Fellow
Ms. YEUNG Raina
Adjunct Professor
Professor ZHANG Jianyu