Adjunct Professor

Professor NG Jeanne

BSc (Toronto); PhD (HKU)

Dr Jeanne Ng is currently the Chief Sustainability Officer at BlueOnion Limited, an ESG fintech startup company currently developing an ESG data analytics platform and services aimed at servicing both buy-side and sell-side investors. She holds a BSc in Toxicology from the University of Toronto and a PhD in Environmental Management from the University of Hong Kong. She has extensive experience in the environmental industry and has held senior roles in international environmental / engineering consulting companies prior to joining CLP. She was involved in most of the early Hong Kong governmental air pollution and climate strategy and policy studies and is regarded as one of Hong Kong’s experts in air and greenhouse gas emissions inventories. In fact, she was instrumental in helping to set up the Hong Kong SAR Government’s first Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and was the author of its first version of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Manual.

She joined CLP in 2003 and involved in starting up Group Environmental Affairs, Group Sustainability and the CLP Research Institute. Led the development of the governance processes, ESG database and sustainability reporting process behind CLP’s international award-winning Sustainability Report, set up CLP Group’s first ever: renewable energy targets, Climate Vision 2050 carbon reduction targets and CLP’s Sustainable Development 2030 targets. Her last achievement at CLP was setting up the new CLP Research Institute to focus on informing the C-suite and senior management, and colleagues across the Group, on emerging trends and technologies to enhance CLP’s capabilities in decision-making in strategy, planning and operations to evolve towards becoming a net zero carbon utility.

She is the Founding Chair of the Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals (HKIQEP), which supports the development of the environmental professional industry in Hong Kong.

She is currently a member of the Prince’s Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S) Expert Panel. Previously a Board member of the Air & Waste Management Association (AWMA) and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), and a member of the Advisory Council of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the Stakeholder Council of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Project Advisory Panel for Emerging Forms of External Reporting under the International Auditing & Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).


BSc (Toronto);


Professional & Community Services


Selected Publication

Honorary Senior Advisor
Dr. LIAO Sarah
Deputy Director
Dr. CHAN Elaine
Deputy Director and Principal Lecturer
Dr. LAW Winnie
SLGP Director & Lecturer
Dr. BURNETT Margaret Julia
SLGP Deputy Director & Lecturer
Dr. CHU Vivian
Assistant Lecturer
Dr. WILLIAMS Jessica Marie
Post-doctoral Fellow
Dr. PAN Emily
Assistant Director
Ms. CHICK Katie
Assistant Director
Ms. CHOW Joyce
Assistant Project Manager
Mr. FOK Kelvin
Assistant Project Manager
Dr. HU Taihua
Assistant Project Manager
Mr. LEUNG Darwin
Senior Project Officer
Ms. CHAN Karen
Senior Project Officer
Ms. KAN Mimi
Senior Project Officer
Ms. LAU Bonnie
Senior Project Officer
Ms. LAW Renee
Senior Project Officer
Mr. LEUNG Ryan
Senior Project Officer
Ms. LEUNG Vivian
Senior Project Officer
Ms. YEUNG Daisy
Senior Project Officer
Ms. YIU Sianna
Agroforestry Officer
Ms. FU Melody
Project Officer
Ms. MAN Iris
Senior Executive Assistant
Ms. LI Hazel
Agroforestry Technician
Mr. KWOK Joe
Farm Assistant
Ms. ZHANG Yiying
Executive Officer
Ms. YUEN Jamie
Honorary Senior Fellow
Mr. CHEN George
Honorary Professor
Professor DOLŠAK Nives
Honorary Senior Fellow
Professor HO Lusina
Honorary Senior Lecturer
Ir LAU Sophia
Honorary Professor
Professor PRAKASH Aseem
Adjunct Professor
Professor TAI Agnes K Y
Adjunct Associate Professor
Dr. TSOI Joyce
Honorary Fellow
Ms. YEUNG Raina
Adjunct Professor
Professor ZHANG Jianyu