Home » Session 2: Defining the objective
Session 2: Defining the objective
For an objective-led impact assessment, defining the main objective constitutes the first step. Sustainability is a complex concept which can be defined in a multitude of ways. Amongst them, the three-pillars (or Triple Bottom Line) approach is one of the most popular, where each pillar represents the environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainability. Following this definition, project performance is assessed under each category. However, interrelations between the three pillars are said to be inadequately understood and described (Pope, et al. 2004), where interdependence is neglected (Gibson 2006a; Gibson 2006b).

(Sulich and Zema, 2018:70)
The framework proposed here is based on an integrated perspective, emphasising interconnections and the nature of sustainability issues which cross environmental, economic and social boundaries. Sustainability is broken down into 5 core dimensions: Socio-ecological integrity, Livelihood equality, Participatory governance, Precaution and adaptation, and Cross-spatial integration.

Based upon the objective that is now defined, the following sessions will be structured according to the three key guiding questions in programme evaluation (1) What are the expected changes? (2) What to measure? (3) How to measure?
Gibson, R. B. (2006a). Beyond The Pillars: Sustainability Assessment As A Framework For Effective Integration Of Social, Economic And Ecological Considerations In Significant Decision-Making. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management (JEAPM), 8(03), 259-280.
Gibson, R. B. (2006b). Sustainability assessment: basic components of a practical approach. Impact assessment and project appraisal, 24(3), 170-182.
Pope, J., Annandale, D., and Morrison-Saunders, A. (2004). Conceptualising sustainability assessment. Environmental impact assessment review, 24(6), 595-616.
Sulich, A., and Zema, T. (2018). Green jobs, a new measure of public management and sustainable development. European Journal of Environmental Sciences, 8(1), 69-75.