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Is there any differences between Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Agriculture?



Organic agriculture does not use chemical fertilizers, synthetic pesticides, genetically modified organisms, antibiotics and growth hormones but relies on ecosystem management practices instead to conserve soil fertility and control pest and diseases. While organic agriculture is one of the most common ways of improving farming practices, organic agriculture and sustainable agriculture are not interchangeable terms. In some cases, organic agriculture does not necessarily imply sustainability. For example, large-scale industrial organic farms use a lot of non-renewable energy. On the other hand, sustainable agriculture may not necessarily be 100% organic. Some farmers would still apply chemical fertilizers when practising sustainable agriculture. 

For more comparison, please visit:
Escoffier. (2014). The Difference Between Organic And Sustainable Agriculture. Retrieved from https://www.escoffier.edu/blog/culinary-arts/the-difference-between-organic-and-sustainable-agriculture/

J.R. Organics. (2013). The Difference Between Organic and Sustainable Agriculture. Retrieved from https://www.jrorganicsfarm.com/blog/news/the-difference-between-organic-and-sustainable-agriculture/


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