Assistant Project Manager

Mr. LEUNG Darwin

MSc (Cardiff University), BSSc (Hons) (Hong Kong Baptist University)
   (852) 3917 4763

Mr. Darwin Leung graduated with a Master of Science in Planning Practice and Research from Cardiff University, UK. After graduation, he worked for the Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People Livelihood as a Policy Research Officer. He provided research support for a study on urban revitalization policy in Hong Kong and facilitated in organizing sustainability workshops / activities for primary and secondary schools. He joined the Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management (CUPEM) of HKU in 2006 (re-established as The Kadoorie Institute in 2008) and has been involved in various research on urban renewal, sustainability reporting and harbour reclamation. Darwin has also participated in a number of consultancy projects for international organisations, such as UNEP and CCICED; several works departments and advisory bodies of the HKSAR Government such as Council for Sustainable Development, Highways Department and Civil Engineering and Development Department. These projects have spanned across a wide range of disciplines, including climate change and building energy efficiency, regional transportation planning, and green economy policies, practices and initiatives. Since 2014, Darwin has participated in the curriculum development of the Common Core Course (CCGL9040 – Energy Futures, Globalization And Sustainability) at HKU and managed tutorial classes for undergraduate students. Darwin now works as Assistant Project Manager at the Centre for Civil Society and Governance of HKU.

2004-2005Cardiff University, Wales
MSc in Planning Practice and Research
2001-2004Hong Kong Baptist University
BSSc (Hons) (First Class) in Geography
Professional & Community Services
2019-presentThe University of Hong Kong
Centre for Civil Society and Governance
Assistant Project Manager
2017-2019The University of Hong Kong
Faculty of Social Sciences
Policy for Sustainability Lab
Assistant Project Manager
2016-2017The University of Hong Kong
Faculty of Social Sciences
Policy for Sustainability Lab
Senior Project Officer


2012-2016The University of Hong Kong
Kadoorie Institute
Senior Project Officer
2009-2012The University of Hong Kong
Kadoorie Institute
Project Officer
2007-2009The University of Hong Kong
Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management
Research Assistant

Partnership for Sustainability Leadership in Business (supported by HSBCThe Hongkong Bank Foundation)

E2Power: Engagement and Empowerment of Communities Through Social Capital Development (in collaboration with Department of Social Work and Social Administration, RGC funded)

Selected Publication

Lam, W. F., Law, W. W. Y., Leung, T. H. D. and Fok, W. K., (2022), “Diagnostic Study for SME Sustainability Survey”, supported by the Hongkong Bank Foundation.

Lam, W. F., Law, W. W. Y., Fok, W. K., Leung, T. H. D., Sit, T. S., and Li, Lianna., (2021), “Sustainability Roadmap and Kick-Starter Impact Toolkit”, supported by the Hongkong Bank Foundation.

Law, W. W. Y., Chow, W. C., Leung, T. H. D., et al (2019), “Public Engagement on Long-term Decarbonisation Strategy”, Public Engagement Document, commissioned by Council for Sustainable Development, 2018.

Law, W. W. Y., Chow, W. C., Leung, T. H. D., et al (2017), “Final Report: Promotion of Sustainable Consumption of Biological Resources”, Consultancy Report, commissioned by Environment Bureau, HKSARG, 2017.

Law W. W. Y., Leung T. H. D., Lo, Y. H., Leung, H. S. and Chick, H. L. (2015). Policy Submission to Public Consultation on The New Agricultural Policy: Sustainable Agricultural Development in Hong Kong.

Law W. W. Y., Leung T. H. D., Wang, G., Chen, K. (2013). Policy Background Paper on “Resource Efficiency in Chinese Cities”, UNEP’s Global Initiative for Resource Efficient Cities (GI-REC).

Law, W. W. Y., Chow, W. C., Leung, T. H. D., et al (2012), “Final Report: Combating Climate Change: Energy Saving and Carbon Emission Reduction in Buildings,” Consultancy Report, commissioned by Environment Bureau, HKSARG, 2012.

Hills P.R., Liao S.M.S.T., Law W.W.Y., Tang X.Y., Wei Y.J., Zhang S.Q., Yu X.X., Lu S.Y., Wu C.J., Luan S.J., Gouldson A., Ren H.Y., Zhang Z.T., Leung T.H.D., Chow W.C., Lo Y.H., Yeung H.Y.D., Yan P.W.L., Yiu S.I.S., Zhang H. and Song Y.W. Special Policy Study (Final Report): Environmental Strategy and Measure for Transformation of Development Mode in Eastern China, China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development, 2012.

Law, W. W. Y., Chow, W. C., Leung, T. H. D., Yiu, S. I. et al (2011), “Pedestrian Improvement Scheme in Yuen Long Town: Final Public Engagement Report,” Consultancy Report, commissioned by Highways Department, HKSARG, 2011.

Leung, T. H. D., Kwan, B., Ng, R. (2009). World Urban Forum 4 – Global Vision, Local Action. Journal of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (Planning & Development), 24, p.81.

Ng, M. K., Tang, W. S., Lee, J., Leung, T. H. D. (2010). Spatial practice, conceived space and lived space: Hong Kong’s ‘pier saga’ through the Lefebvrian lens. Planning Perspectives, 25, pp.411-431.

Honorary Senior Advisor
Dr. LIAO Sarah
Deputy Director
Dr. CHAN Elaine
Deputy Director and Principal Lecturer
Dr. LAW Winnie
SLGP Director & Lecturer
Dr. BURNETT Margaret Julia
SLGP Deputy Director & Lecturer
Dr. CHU Vivian
Assistant Lecturer
Dr. WILLIAMS Jessica Marie
Post-doctoral Fellow
Dr. PAN Emily
Assistant Director
Ms. CHICK Katie
Assistant Director
Ms. CHOW Joyce
Assistant Project Manager
Mr. FOK Kelvin
Assistant Project Manager
Dr. HU Taihua
Assistant Project Manager
Ms. LAW Renee
Senior Project Officer
Ms. CHAN Karen
Senior Project Officer
Ms. KAN Mimi
Senior Project Officer
Ms. LAU Bonnie
Senior Project Officer
Mr. LEUNG Ryan
Senior Project Officer
Ms. LEUNG Vivian
Senior Project Officer
Ms. YEUNG Daisy
Senior Project Officer
Ms. YIU Sianna
Agroforestry Technician
Mr. KWOK Joe
Farm Assistant
Ms. ZHANG Yiying
Executive Officer
Ms. YUEN Jamie
Honorary Senior Fellow
Mr. CHEN George
Honorary Professor
Professor DOLŠAK Nives
Honorary Senior Fellow
Professor HO Lusina
Honorary Senior Lecturer
Ir LAU Sophia
Adjunct Professor
Professor NG Jeanne
Honorary Professor
Professor PRAKASH Aseem
Adjunct Professor
Professor TAI Agnes K Y
Adjunct Associate Professor
Dr. TSOI Joyce
Honorary Fellow
Ms. YEUNG Raina
Adjunct Professor
Professor ZHANG Jianyu