Assistant Director

Ms. CHOW Joyce

   (852) 3917 4761

Ms. Joyce Chow has been involved in various sustainability-related research and planning consultancy works since completing her master degree. She has solid experiences in organizing community participatory and stakeholder-based activities, conducting capacity training workshops for NGOs, business sector and government departments. Her major research fields cover various pillars related to sustainability, from urban planning, social innovation, social inclusion to stakeholder collaboration. She has been elected as a Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute, the United Kingdom since 2008. With extensive regional and local change-agent networks, Ms. Chow works with a team to conduct diversified action research projects, including sustainable development, NGO governance, stakeholder empowerment, community planning and regional development and integration.

2003-2005The University of Hong Kong
Master of Science in Urban Planning
2000-2003The University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Geography and Chinese Studies
Professional & Community Services
2022-presentThe University of Hong Kong
Centre for Civil Society and Governance
Assistant Director
2018-2022The University of Hong Kong
Centre for Civil Society and Governance
Senior Project Manager
2016-2018The University of Hong Kong
Faculty of Social Sciences
Policy for Sustainability Lab
Project Manager
2012-2016The University of Hong Kong
Kadoorie Institute
Project Manager


2008-2012The University of Hong Kong
Kadoorie Institute
Senior Project Officer


2005-2007The University of Hong Kong
Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management
Project Officer

Jockey Club Collaborative Project for Inclusive Employment 

Community Well-Being and Wholeness: the case of “Airside” at the Kai Tak Development Area

Reimagining Public Spaces in Hong Kong

Selected Publication

Chan Y.M., Lam W.F., Chow W.C., (2023), “Summary Report: Revisioning Inclusive Employment Seminar Series”, Centre for Civil Society and Governance, Hong Kong.

Lam W.F., Chow W.C., Lau S.C., Lau M.Y., (2022), “Innovating for Our Sustainable Future: A Social Innovation Journey of Sustainable Catalysers”, Centre for Civil Society and Governance, Hong Kong.

Chan Y.M., Chow W.C., Lee C.K., Chu H.Y., Law W.W.Y., (2022), “In Time Of Programme: Sustainability Assessment Intermin Report on Engagement Programme”, Centre for Civil Society and Governance, Hong Kong.

Chan Y.M., Lam W.F., Chow W.C., (2021), “Inclusive Employment of People with Disabilities in Hong Kong: A Diagnostic Study”, Centre for Civil Society and Governance, Hong Kong. 

Chan Y.M., Lam W.F., Chow W.C., (2020), “School Management Review on the Handling of Teachers’ Complaints & Feedbacks and the Management of Teacher Performance”, Centre for Civil Society and Governance, Hong Kong. 

Law W.W.Y., Chow W.C., and Lee C.K., (2019), “Stage 1 Public Engagement Report: Pilot Study on Underground Space Development in Selected Strategic Urban Areas – Feasibility Study”, for Civil Engineering and Development Department and Planning Department, HKSARG.

Chow W.C., Lee C.K., Lau S.C.B., (2018), “Public Engagement Report: Improvement to Fan Kam Road – Investigation”, for Highways Department, HKSARG.

Law W.W.Y., Chow W.C., Leung, T.H., Lee C.K. and Lau S.C.B., (2017), “Public Engagement Report: Promotion of Sustainable Consumption of Biological Resources”, for Council for Sustainable Development.

Law W.W.Y., Chow W.C., Lee C.K. and Lau S.C.B., (2015), “Final Public Engagement Report: Urban Design Study for Wan Chai North and North Point Harbourfront Areas – Feasibility Study “, for Planning Department, HKSARG.

Law W.W.Y., Chow W.C., Lee C.K. and Lau S.C.B., (2015), “Final Report: Consultancy Study for the Enhancement Works to the Hong Kong Zoological & Botanical Gardens”, for Leisure and Cultural Services Department, HKSARG.

Honorary Senior Advisor
Dr. LIAO Sarah
Deputy Director
Dr. CHAN Elaine
Deputy Director and Principal Lecturer
Dr. LAW Winnie
SLGP Director & Lecturer
Dr. BURNETT Margaret Julia
SLGP Deputy Director & Lecturer
Dr. CHU Vivian
Assistant Lecturer
Dr. WILLIAMS Jessica Marie
Post-doctoral Fellow
Dr. PAN Emily
Assistant Director
Ms. CHICK Katie
Assistant Project Manager
Mr. FOK Kelvin
Assistant Project Manager
Dr. HU Taihua
Assistant Project Manager
Ms. LAW Renee
Assistant Project Manager
Mr. LEUNG Darwin
Senior Project Officer
Ms. CHAN Karen
Senior Project Officer
Ms. KAN Mimi
Senior Project Officer
Ms. LAU Bonnie
Senior Project Officer
Mr. LEUNG Ryan
Senior Project Officer
Ms. LEUNG Vivian
Senior Project Officer
Ms. YEUNG Daisy
Senior Project Officer
Ms. YIU Sianna
Agroforestry Technician
Mr. KWOK Joe
Farm Assistant
Ms. ZHANG Yiying
Executive Officer
Ms. YUEN Jamie
Honorary Senior Fellow
Mr. CHEN George
Honorary Professor
Professor DOLŠAK Nives
Honorary Senior Fellow
Professor HO Lusina
Honorary Senior Lecturer
Ir LAU Sophia
Adjunct Professor
Professor NG Jeanne
Honorary Professor
Professor PRAKASH Aseem
Adjunct Professor
Professor TAI Agnes K Y
Adjunct Associate Professor
Dr. TSOI Joyce
Honorary Fellow
Ms. YEUNG Raina
Adjunct Professor
Professor ZHANG Jianyu