Home » Xiu Jing Experience@Lai Chi Wo

Xiu Jing Experience@Lai Chi Wo

Some people said they had rare moments of living in the present while working in Lai Chi Wo. Their tasks become easy, quick and accurate and that bring about a feeling of ease and joy. It’s the simplicity of Lai Chi Wo’s natural environment that helps us return to our innate state of being. The aim of practising xiu jing, is to return to this natural state of being, and make it our habit. Through practice, this will become the norm in our daily life. 

Practising xiu jing is easier said than done, but it certainly becomes easier if we practice in Lai Chi Wo. Situated far away from the busyness of the city, Lai Cho Wo is natural and quiet and yet still accessible and safe. Lai Chi Wo is the yin to the city’s yang, retaining the innocence of an ancient village. The village counter-balances the fast pace of the city, offering us a chance to become quiet, to rediscover our true nature and get in touch with our inner truth. 

This project's path to xiu jing is [太極。隨意。自在]. It is a simple and natural method, our focus is not on appearance or postures, but we dive straight into wu wei – non-doing. The key to experience with body and soul, and attain relaxation, quietness and stillness in the mind, and softness, ease and resilience in the body... Through further deepening of awareness and focus, the body and mind become one, and through further practising and deepening, we enter the realm of the heart, by letting go and returning to our true nature of oneness with nature, our wisdom and innate potential would emerge. Our body and mind would balance, our life becomes smoother. Moreover, the main hurdles of this practice are boredom, meaningless and aloneness, which people find difficult to bear. 

The project provides one-day and three-day workshops. These workshops fully utilise the supportive environment of Lai Chi Wo, and facilitate the participants to experience relaxation, quietness and stillness and learn to apply this practice in their daily life. Please visit the project's Facebook page and website for more information. 


Project Proponent: Yuen Wing Chun

 Jing Xin Yuan
