Assistant Project Manager

Dr. HU Taihua

PhD (HKU), MBiotech (UQ), BAgr (SCAU)
   (852) 3917 5540

Tai is a botanist by training. Before joining CCSG, he had extensive research experience in stress responses in the field of plant biology. After graduation, Tai worked as a service-learning practitioner, advocating for the co-creation of humanitarian solutions in some less-developed regions of the world with students, volunteers and communities. Through lectures, local & overseas field trips, combined with different design workshops, he exposed University students to real-world problems surrounding different SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). With this immersive problem-based learning experience, students gained practical knowledge on how problems might be tackled in some less-developed regions of the world. 


In CCSG, Tai started his journey in 2022 to help revitalise rural communities in Hong Kong and other APAC regions for continual social and economic development. He is passionate about using Appropriate Technology and Human-centred Design methodologies to catalyse actions for rural sustainability. Tai firmly believes that a sustainable society can be achieved through an equilibrium of social-economic development on the one hand, and bio-ecological conservation on the other. Besides, he also works on projects involving native and imported plant species to diversify the local agricultural landscape, together with a team of dedicated farmers in Lai Chi Wo.

2013 – 2018 The University of Hong Kong
Doctor of Philosophy (Biological & Environmental Stresses in Plant) 
2010 – 2012 The University of Queensland 
Master of Biotechnology 
2006 – 2010 South China Agricultural University 
Bachelor of Agronomy (Plant Biotechnology) 
Professional & Community Services
2024 – presentThe University of Hong Kong
Centre for Civil Society and Governance
Assistant Project Manager
2022 – 2024The University of Hong Kong
Centre for Civil Society and Governance
Senior Project Officer
2021 – 2022The University of Hong Kong
LKS Faculty of Medicine – Teaching and Learning
Assistant Manager
2018 – 2021Lingnan University
Office of Service-Learning and Lingnan Entrepreneurship Initiative 
Senior Project Officer
2013 – 2018The University of Hong Kong
School of Biological Sciences 
PhD Candidate
2012 – 2013The University of Queensland 
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences 
Research Assistant



Lai Chi Wo Agroforestry and Experimental Farm

HSBC Rural Sustainability Programme – APAC Initiative for Regional Impact (AIRI) 

Creating Blended Value through Nature-based Solutions and Social Innovation

Selected Publication

Arokiaraj, A. W. R., Schapiro, J., Pachuta, J., Nourbakhsh, I., Hu, T.H., Wong, K. W. J., & Ko, A. (2019, October). Participatory design innovation to solve challenges in rural Uganda: A model for the future. In 2019 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) (pp. 1-2). IEEE. 

Hu, T. H., Lung, S. C., Ye, Z. W., & Chye, M. L. (2018). Depletion of Arabidopsis ACYL-COA-BINDING PROTEIN3 affects fatty acid composition in the phloem. Frontiers in plant science, 9, 2. 

Chen, M. X., Hu, T. H., Xue, Y., Zhu, F. Y., Du, Z. Y., Lo, C., & Chye, M. L. (2018). Arabidopsis acyl-coenzyme-A-binding protein ACBP1 interacts with AREB1 and mediates salt and osmotic signaling in seed germination and seedling growth. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 156, 130-140. 

Ye, Z. W., Lung, S. C., Hu, T. H., Chen, Q. F., Suen, Y. L., Wang, M., … & Chye, M. L. (2016). Arabidopsis acyl-CoA-binding protein ACBP6 localises in the phloem and affects jasmonate composition. Plant Molecular Biology, 92(6), 717-730. 

Honorary Senior Advisor
Dr. LIAO Sarah
Deputy Director
Dr. CHAN Elaine
Deputy Director and Principal Lecturer
Dr. LAW Winnie
SLGP Director & Lecturer
Dr. BURNETT Margaret Julia
SLGP Deputy Director & Lecturer
Dr. CHU Vivian
Assistant Lecturer
Dr. WILLIAMS Jessica Marie
Post-doctoral Fellow
Dr. PAN Emily
Assistant Director
Ms. CHICK Katie
Assistant Director
Ms. CHOW Joyce
Assistant Project Manager
Mr. FOK Kelvin
Assistant Project Manager
Ms. LAW Renee
Assistant Project Manager
Mr. LEUNG Darwin
Senior Project Officer
Ms. CHAN Karen
Senior Project Officer
Ms. KAN Mimi
Senior Project Officer
Ms. LAU Bonnie
Senior Project Officer
Mr. LEUNG Ryan
Senior Project Officer
Ms. LEUNG Vivian
Senior Project Officer
Ms. YEUNG Daisy
Senior Project Officer
Ms. YIU Sianna
Agroforestry Technician
Mr. KWOK Joe
Farm Assistant
Ms. ZHANG Yiying
Executive Officer
Ms. YUEN Jamie
Honorary Senior Fellow
Mr. CHEN George
Honorary Professor
Professor DOLŠAK Nives
Honorary Senior Fellow
Professor HO Lusina
Honorary Senior Lecturer
Ir LAU Sophia
Adjunct Professor
Professor NG Jeanne
Honorary Professor
Professor PRAKASH Aseem
Adjunct Professor
Professor TAI Agnes K Y
Adjunct Associate Professor
Dr. TSOI Joyce
Honorary Fellow
Ms. YEUNG Raina
Adjunct Professor
Professor ZHANG Jianyu